Monday, May 28, 2012

Contents of the May BarkBox

Mumble was super excited to get his first BarkBox this month!

This is what was included:

1. A toy from "Katie's Bumpers." The toy is made from fire hose material, and has a squeaker. Mumble loves it!

2. Treats from "Sloppy Kisses of Saratoga Springs" - peanut butter flavored! Since Mumble's on a diet, he can only eat treats sparingly, but I was excited that they weren't treats he'd be allergic to.

3. Pet spa goodies from "Warren London" including a paw fizz tablet and hydrating butter. I'm still not sure how this paw fizz thing works, but with Mumble's dry skin issues the hydrating butter is definitely something we'll be using.

4. A "Gulpy" water bottle! We already have one of these, but it's great to have a spare. Now I think I'll just keep one in the car all the time in case we're out and about and need it.

5. A Spiral Bully Stick. Now, I usually don't give Mumble a bully stick because he has trouble digesting any beef products. But I let him have this one a little at a time, and of course he loved it. The biggest plus? It was one of those "odor-free" ones!

5. As a bonus, there was also a yellow BarkBox collar to honor their mission of helping rescues and shelters. As my sister described it, it's kind of like a "LiveStrong" bracelet for dogs.

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