Mumble is now one year old, and he still doesn't stay at home alone during the day while I am at work. He occasionally stays at home for a half day, or for an evening if I have plans on the weekend or in the evenings, but he is so "busy" and active, I don't trust him for a full day...
For months now, ever since Mumble's previous dog sitter stopped being able to dog-sit him at her house, I have been in search for the perfect dog walker to help with the transition to Mumble staying at home alone. Last week, I think I finally found her! Lyn lives right around the corner from my apartment, provides dog walking and pet-sitting services on a part time basis. For a cheaper price than what I pay for Mumble to go to a full day at doggie daycare, she provides a combo of walk + pet sitting for the day. This service includes 3-4 short "visits" during the day to play with Mumble and take him out for a bathroom break if needed, plus one longer walk at some point during the day.
When Mumble and I met with Lyn the first time, I'm sure that she thought I was just a little bit crazy. I told her all about Mumble's "adventures" in the house - escaping things, climbing things, eating furniture, eating plastic bags. I showed her his "routine" for when he is being left home alone, which involves him being in a "stay" while I put yummy treats and bones and toys on the floor near him, then walk out and give his release command. I gave her the list of foods Mumble is allergic too, told her what to give him for his digestion issues, and asked her to track his sneezing and coughing. During all of this, Mumble laid on the floor in front of me and occasionally growled at her, until the moment I gave her a key, which must have signaled "we trust her!" because then he immediately got up and went over for her to pet him.
Mumble's first day at home with this new arrangement went well, and I got an email from Lyn in the middle of the day telling me how Mumble was doing! When I got home, he was super excited to see me, and there were no indications of mis-adventures anywhere in the apartment.
The best part is that Lyn is so flexible and is really helping me with a "plan" to increase Mumble's time at home. Right now, the idea is that he will still go to doggie daycare at least three days of the week, and then on the other two days he will stay home and have visits plus a walk from Lyn. Then we will switch to 3 days a week at home and 2 days at daycare. Finally, we will gradually fade out the "visits," so that he will be at home all day with only a long walk with Lyn in the middle of the day.
Who knew this could be so complicated? I really envy the people who can just leave their dog in the morning and come back to a content dog and an in-tact home! Stay tuned, and I will post Mumble's progress in this new arrangement!